Category Nutrition

Forever Absorbent-C x 100

Forever Absorbent-C is a medication used in the treatment, prevention and control of diseases and conditions such as vitamin C deficiency and cold. It could be used to obtain the recommended amount of Vitamin C daily. Forever Absorbent-C Benefits Vitamin…

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Calcichew D3 Forte

What is Calcichew D3? Calcichew D3 Forte is a nutritional supplement containing calcium in the form of calcium carbonate and Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol). The qualitative composition is calcium carbonate (1250 mg equivalent to 500mg of elemental calcium) and 400 IU…

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Calcicare calcium magnesium

What is Calcicare calcium magnesium? Calcicare calcium magnesium is a supplement for better and faster absorption of calcium and magnesium. It is especially important for pregnant women.  Magnesium plays a very important role in calcium metabolism by activating vitamin D…

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Cal D3 tabs

Cal D3 tablets are a combination medicine used in treating or preventing low blood calcium in people who cannot get enough from their diets. Cal D3 also helps treat osteoporosis ( bone loss), osteomalacia/rickets (weak bones), hypoparathyroidism, latent tetany (a…

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Ca-C D3 1500mg

What is Ca-C D3 1500mg? Ca-C D3 1500mg is a medication used in the treatment and prevention of low blood calcium levels in individuals who cannot or do not get enough calcium from their diets.  Ca-C D3 1500 mg can…

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Acorbic C-1000

What is vitamin C-1000mg used for? Ascorbic acid or vitamin C as is the main ingredient in Acorbic C-1000 is used in the prevention and treatment of low levels of vitamin C in individuals who are not able to get…

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