Seven Seas Cod Liver Oil High Strength x 30

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Cod Liver Oil is the oil gotten from the livers of cod (a species of fish). It is a great source of omega 3 fatty acids, and also contains high amounts of Vitamin A and Vitamin D. It is commonly used to treat Vitamin D deficiency or taken as a dietary supplement.

7 Seas Cod Liver Oil High Strength is high in fish oil and Omega-3, and comes in a starch-based capsule shell, making it gelatine free.

Is High Strength Cod Liver Oil Good For Use?

Cod liver oil is packed with nutrients that can help to improve skin health, and repair damaged teeth, nails and hair. It also has anti-inflammatory properties and is used to relieve inflammation and joint stiffness in arthritis patients.

What are the benefits of taking cod liver oil capsules?

Cod liver oil contains vitamin A, which is an important nutrient that contributes to immune system function, eye health and cellular growth. It also contains Omega-3 fatty acids, which help to reduce blood clot formation. It is also one of the richest sources of Vitamin D, the vitamin responsible for regulating the amount of calcium and phosphate in our bodies, promoting bone, teeth and muscle health.

7 Seas Cod Liver Oil Dosage

Consult with your healthcare provider to determine what dose is appropriate for you and your specific condition.

7 Seas Cod Liver Oil Contraindications

7 Seas Cod Liver Oil is contraindicated in people who:

  • Have high amounts of any of calcium, phosphate or Vitamin D in the body
  • Have kidney stones or reduced kidney function

7 Seas Cod Liver Oil Side Effects

Some of the side effects associated with Cod liver oil include haemorrhage, nausea, heartburn and stomach upset. 

Avoid taking high doses of Cod Liver Oil as they might cause the Vitamin A and vitamin D levels in the body to become too high.

7 Seas Cod Liver Oil Price

7 Seas Cod Liver Oil is available on, the largest online pharmacy in Lagos.

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