Tag Drugstore

Permesop 20

What is Permesop used for? Permesop is a medication that blocks acid from being made in the stomach. It is used in the treatment of acid reflux disease and in preventing certain types of gastrointestinal ulcers. Permesop Ingredient  It contains…

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Uses of PERBLOC-DSR x 10 HQ PERBLOC-DSR x 10 HQ is primarily used for the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), peptic ulcers, and other gastric-related conditions that result from the excessive production of stomach acid. It is also used…

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PEPTACID 75mg x 15

Uses of Peptacid 75mg Peptacid 75mg is primarily used to alleviate the symptoms associated with excess stomach acid. These include: Peptacid can be taken to relieve these symptoms when they occur, or it can be used as a preventative measure…

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Uses of Paucodine 200 Paucodine 200 is most commonly used to treat conditions associated with excessive stomach acid. These conditions include: Paucodine 200mg Ingredients It contains cimetidine as the active ingredient. The inactive ingredients may include substances like microcrystalline cellulose,…

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What is OMPRAZAR-40 used for? Omprazar-40 Capsule belongs to a group of medicines called gastrointestinal agents used for treating heartburn, indigestion, epigastric pain, gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GERD), peptic ulcers and Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. Omprazar-40 active ingredients It contains Omeprazole as the…

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OMLINK-20 x 10

What is Omlink-20mg used for? Omfil 20mg  is  prescribed for the treatment of conditions caused by excessive stomach acid, such as: Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD): GERD is a chronic condition where stomach acid flows back into the esophagus, causing heartburn…

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OMIT-D 20mg x 30

What is Omit-D used for? Omit D 20mg Capsule is a gastrointestinal agent used for treating heartburn, indigestion, epigastric pain, gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GERD), peptic ulcers, and Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. Omit-D active ingredients It contains Domperidone and Omeprazole as the active…

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OMFIL 20mg x14

What is Omfil 20mg Used For? Omfil 20mg  is  prescribed for the treatment of conditions caused by excessive stomach acid, such as: Omfil 20mg Ingredients It contains Omeprazole 20mg as the active ingredient Inactive Ingredients include; lactose monohydrate, mannitol, sodium…

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Uses of Omeprazole Gastro-Resistant Tablets Omeprazole Gastro-Resistant tablets are used to treat a variety of conditions related to excess stomach acid production which includes; Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), Peptic Ulcers, Erosive Esophagitis, Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome and Dyspepsia Omeprazole Gastro-Resistant Tablet Ingredients…



Uses of Omeprazole 10mg (Mylan) Omeprazole 10mg (Mylan) is commonly prescribed for the treatment of conditions caused by excessive stomach acid, such as: OMEPRAZOLE 10MG Ingredients Each capsule of Omeprazole 10mg (Mylan) contains the following ingredients: Omeprazole (10mg Inactive Ingredients…