Tag blood pressure medication

What Is Candesartan 8mg

What is Candesartan 8mg? Candesartan is a medication with active ingredient of the same name that belongs to a class of medication known as angiotensin receptor blockers (ARB) it relaxes blood vessels, allowing blood flow easily.  Candesartan is used in…

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Cadiprot 10mg (aadiprot)

What is cadiprot 10mg? Cadiprot Is a prescription medicine used in treating high blood pressure by relaxing blood vessels. It is also used in treating long-term chest pain known as angina by increasing the amount of blood supply to the…

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What Is Amlodipine Used For And Side Effects? Amlodipine is used to treat high blood pressure which prevents stroke, heart attack and kidney problems and some of the side effects include swelling, headache, fatigue, dizziness, nausea, itching and some others…

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Nifedical xl This is a medication used to treat high blood pressure. It is available on Drugstore Nigeria, Nigeria’s Largest Online Pharmacy. Nifedical xl dosage The dosage of Nifedical xl varies from patient to patient and should be prescribed by…

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