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What is Sayana Press Inj Used For? 

Sayana Press Inj is a Contraceptive injection indicated for long-term female contraception. However, it should be noted that the return to fertility (ovulation) may be delayed for up to a year. You can purchase Sayana Press Inj online at Drugstore Nigeria, an online pharmacy store in Lagos. 

 What is Sayana Press Inj Composition? 

It contains Medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) as the active ingredient.  

 When can I get pregnant after Sayana Press Inj? 

The effect of taking Sayana Press will have worn off 5 to 6 months after the last injection in most women. Over 80% of women will get pregnant within a year of stopping Sayana press injections. However, there is the possibility of getting pregnant in the first month after missing an injection. 

 How long Does it take for Sayana Press Inj to Start Working? 

It may take 7 days after the first Sayana Press injection for the contraception effect to be seen. 

How Long Does Sayana Press Inj Prevent Pregnancy? 

Sayana Press injection is a Long- Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC) injection that gives you 13 weeks (+/- 7 days) of effective contraception. 

 What is the difference between Depo and Sayana Press Injections? 

 The two injections both work in exactly the same way and are essentially the same contraceptive but “Depo” inj is given into a muscle usually in the bottom by a healthcare professional while Sayana Press injection is injected just beneath the skin and is designed so that women can give injections themselves at home. 

 How many days does it take Sayana press inj to start working? 

 Sayana Press Injection starts working in women immediately if given within the first 5 days of the beginning of your period. But, if you receive the dose at another time of your menstrual cycle then it may take about 7 to 10 days to see the effect of  Sayana Press injection 

 What are the Side Effects of Sayana Press Injection? 

Side effects include; 

  • Headaches  
  • Acne  
  • Hair loss  
  • Decreased sex drive  
  • Mood swings 

Can Sayana Press injection Stop Periods? 

Most women using Sayana Press injection will experience a change in their bleeding patterns. While using Sayana press inj, it is likely that fewer women will experience irregular bleeding, and after 12 months of use 60% will experience little or no bleeding at all. 

 Where Can I Buy Sayana Press Injection Online in Nigeria? 

Buy Sayana Press Injection online at, Nigeria’s largest online pharmacy store. 

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