What is Pionorm 30 used for?
Pionorm 30 Tablet is used for treating type 2 diabetes mellitus in adults. Pionorm 30 also helps to control blood sugar levels in people with diabetes which helps to prevent serious complications of diabetes like kidney damage and blindness. Buy Pionorm 30 online at Drugstore.ng, Nigeria’s largest online pharmacy store.
What is Pionorm 30 active ingredient
It contains pioglitazone as the active ingredient.
How does Pionorm 30 work?
Pionorm 30 is a type of anti-diabetic medication in the thiazolidinediones class. It helps manage blood sugar by making your body use insulin better. It does this by increasing the sensitivity of your cells to the insulin produced by your body.
What are the side effects of Pionorm 30?
- Headache
- Sore throat
- Sinus inflammation
- Muscle pain
When is the best time to take Pionorm 30?
It is best to take Pionorm 30 either in the morning or at night.
How long does Pionorm 30 take to work?
Pionorm 30 tablet controls type 2 diabetes but does not cure it. It may take 2 weeks for your blood sugar to decrease and 2 to 3 months for you to feel the full effect of Pionorm 30.
Where can you buy Pionorm 30?
Buy Pionorm 30 online at Drugstore.ng, Nigeria’s largest online pharmacy store.