N/F Lutein 20mg x 30

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What is N/F lutein 20mg used for?

N/F lutein 20mg is a dietary supplement that is effective in the treatment of AMD(an eye disease that leads to vision loss in older adults). N/F lutein 20mg is available on Drugstore Nigeria, an online pharmacy store in Lagos.

 How does N/F Lutein 20mg works?

N/F Lutein 20mg is a carotenoid found in fruits and vegetables. It is concentrated in the retina and lens of the eye in humans. N/F Lutein is high in antioxidant properties, which helps to protect cells against the damaging effects of free radicals and plays a vital role in maintaining healthy eyes, heart and skin.

What is the composition of N/F Lutein 20mg?

It contains pure Lutein (from the marigold flower) – 20mg as the main ingredient.

What is the N/F Lutein 20mg Dosage?

Adults and children over 6 years of age: Take one tablet of Lutein daily with a meal.

•          How to use N/F Lutein 20mg

•          Take N/F lutein 20mg with a meal. Do not use it on empty stomach.

•          Take N/F Lutein 20mg with enough water.

•          Do not exceed the recommended daily intake of N/F lutein 20mg unless advised by a physician.

How long does it take for N/F Lutein 20mg to be Effective?

Take N/F lutein 20mg at least daily for 3 months before you start to see its effect.

What are the health benefits of taking N/F Lutein 20mg?

•          N/F Lutein supplement helps to improve vision in older people who already have cataracts.

•          N/F lutein supplements help to reduce your chances of developing non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

•          N/F Lutein are powerful antioxidants that defend the body against unstable and dangerous molecules called free radicals.

•          N/F Lutein has an antioxidant effect that allows them to protect your skin from the sun’s damaging ultraviolet rays.

•          N/F Lutein also helps to reduce the inflammatory process of Uveitis which is an inflammatory condition in the middle layer of the eye.

N/F lutein price

N/F lutein price is listed in Drugstore.ng, Nigeria’s largest online pharmacy store

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