What is Lipotriad ADULT 50+ used for?
Lipotriad Adult 50+ is an all-natural eye supplement that combines the right amount of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that supports healthy eyes in adults aged 50 years and above. Lipotriad Adult 50+ is available on Drugstore Nigeria, an online pharmacy store in Lagos.
What is the composition of Lipotriad Adult 50+?
Lipotriad Adult 50+ contains 10 mg lutein, 2 mg of zeaxanthin, lecithin, beeswax, omega 3, vitamin C, E, and other vital ingredients.
What is the Dosage of Lipotriad Adult 50+?
Lipotriad Adult 50+ softgel should be taken once daily.
What are the benefits of taking Lipotriad Adult 50+?
• Lipotriad Adult 50+ Formula contains double the lutein, zeaxanthin which helps support the eyes compared to other leading Adult 50+ Eye Vitamin Formulas.
• Lipotriad Adult 50+ contains a superior proprietary blend of supplements.
• It contains safe and beneficial Ingredients.
• Lipotriad Adult 50+ capsules are formulated with the most reliable and gentle dye-free ingredients. It does not contain any artificial ingredients and is safe for smokers as it does not contain beta carotene.
• Lipotriad Adult 50+ is easier to Swallow.
• It supports good eye health. As it provides a full lineup of antioxidant vitamin and mineral supplements.
• It also contains 205mg of Omega 3 FISH OIL that helps to Support healthy tear function
Can Lipotriad Adult 50+ safe to take by Smokers?
Lipotriad Adult 50+ is safer for smokers because it contains no beta-carotene (Vitamin A). The use of beta-carotene has been associated with an increased risk of lung cancer in people who smoke or have been exposed to asbestos.
What are the possible side effects of taking Lipotriad Adult 50+?
Common side effects include; Upset stomach, throwing up, Constipation, Change in stool colour to green, Diarrhea, and Belly pain.
How long does it take for Lipotriad Adult 50+ to work?
It may take up to 3 to 6 weeks of continuous use of Lipotriad Adult 50+ for its full effect to be seen.
Where to buy Lipotriad Adult 50+ in Nigeria?
Get Lipotriad Adult 50+ at Drugstore.ng, Nigeria’s largest online pharmacy store in Lagos.