What is Fesulf Used For?
Fesulf tablets are prescribed for iron deficiency anemia resulting from impaired iron absorption from the diet and parasitic infestation. They are advised to prevent anemia and iron deficiency in situations such as pregnancy, breastfeeding, menstruation, and the postpartum period.
Fesulf Ingredient
Active ingredient: Ferrous Sulphate
How does Fesulf work
It operates by stimulating the production of blood cells and platelets within the body.
Fesulf Tablet Dosage
Take one tablet by mouth daily.
Fesulf tablet side effect
- Constipation
- Diarrhea
- Stomach cramps
- Upset stomach
- Nausea
- Staining of teeth
How do you know if your iron level is low?
Low iron symptoms in the body include:
- Feeling fatigued (tired)
- Listless and weak
- Short of breath
- Dizzy and light-headed
- Struggling to concentrate and remember things.
Where can you buy a Fesult tablet in Nigeria?
Buy Fesulf tablet online at Drugstore.ng, Nigeria’s largest online pharmacy store.