Avilan Toothache Remedy

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Box of "Avilan Toothache Remedy" with an image of a person holding their cheek in pain. The packaging is green and red with text indicating benefits and a dosage of 20g/20caps.

Avilan Toothache Remedy helps to numb the pain and soothe sensitive gums to naturally bring back your smile. 

Ways you can use Avilan Toothache Remedy

  1. Brew one Avilan Toothache Remedy  tea bag in hot water for four minutes, remove from teapot  cup and  allow to cool down, and apply it to the affected tooth or area 
  2.  Put the used Avilan Toothache Remedy tea bag in the freezer for a few minutes and hold it directly to the affected tooth for 20 minutes to numb your pain. 
  3. Cut the Avilan Toothache Remedy open, form a paste with the content, and apply it to the affected part 
  4. Cut the Avilan Toothache  Remedy Tea bag open pour the content into warm water and gaggle 

Where can you buy Avilan Toothache Remedy in Nigeria?

Buy Avilan Toothache Remedy online at Drugstore.ng, Nigeria’s largest online pharmacy store.

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