Avila Pure Honey 1tr 

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A plastic bottle labeled "avila naturale pure honey, 1 litre, 100% pure and natural." the bottle has a white cap and a brown and green label.

Benefits of Avila Pure Honey

  • Avila Pure Honey contains various vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, like vitamin C, calcium, and iron, regular consumption of Avila Pure Honey may help support overall immune function. 
  • Avila Pure Honey helps to improve digestion and alleviate gastrointestinal issues like constipation and diarrhea
  • Avila Pure honey provides energy in the form of liver glycogen. 
  •  Avila Pure Honey helps to make one sleep well.  
  • Avila Pure Honey is topically applied to treat burns and wounds

Where can you buy Avila Pure Honey in Nigeria?

Buy Avila Pure Honey online at Drugstore.ng, Nigeria’s largest online pharmacy store.

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