Hello there,
How are you doing?
This email is to check up on you and to ensure that you are staying safe. It’s no doubt that the events of these past few days have taken a heavy toll on all of us at large. The lives lost, the properties destroyed and the present state of insecurity have left us frustrated and disheartened. We hope that things return back to normalcy, and Nigeria comes out better from all of these.
Here are few things to do for both your physical and mental safety
- As much as you can, stay indoors. If you are in a Nigerian state where there is a curfew, please abide by the rules
- Take breaks from social media and news updates for your mental safety
- Call and check up on your loved ones to ensure that they are safe and sound
- If you ever feel overwhelmed, talk to a mental health professional here
- Pray for Nigeria
One thing is certain- the darkest hour always comes before dawn. We will get through this chaos better, stronger and together.
Stay safe
PS: Our delivery services are currently suspended within and outside Lagos as we cannot guarantee the safety of our dispatch riders and logistics partners. Our customer service channels are still open for enquiries and requests. We’ll send an update the moment we resume deliveries. To get access to our weekly updates, subscribe to our newsletter here